These are prayer requests from inside members of Celebration Fellowship CRC. Please pray for the following requests:
- That I will be able to resolve my financial issues; for my girlfriend and I to be able to heal our relationship; that my mom and sister will not give up on me; for me to be waived to Level 2 so that I can get the programming I need to be able to return home with a parole.
- That more will find God’s faith.
- That I will be transferred to Level 2 soon; for my family and friends on the outside to be held High and blessed.
- For my daughter to be blessed in every way; that my appeal will move forward in a positive direction.
- For a renewed relationship with my kids; that I will remain patient and strong ion the appeals process.
- That God will heal my grandmother who was recently diagnosed with cancer; for my nephew to think about his bad choices and be able to rectify his legal issues.
- That I will be directed in the right way for where I should parole to.
- That my friends’ heart will be opened and that he will find God.
- That the church will continue to be strong and grow and that we all keep on the path and put God first.
- For God’s peace in his church; for Ryan and John who are battling cancer.
- That I will have a divine breakthrough and really focus on my faith and my life.
- For my uncle Rex who was admitted to Hospice this week; that I will get along with my plot partners in the garden.
- For all the staff and administration to be protected and enlightened by God; that they can look past the inmate and see the person; that we would ask for forgiveness and run away from sin.
- For my friend Tina who just found a lump in her lymph glands; that it will be easily cured.
- That my friend’s grandmother will get out of jail soon.
- For my church, my loved ones, my family and friends to be blessed and protected; for all those who are struggling financially.
- That I will receive good news about my parole; if its not what I want, that I will still know God is good.
- For restoration of my family; that I will succeed when I am released on May 29.
- That Tim will do well in the new facility that he was transferred to.
- That my two friends will be able to rectify their differences and stop back stabbing each other.
- That the Holy Spirit will be over my home; that I can be a blessing to all those around me.
- That I will have the courage to reach out to the lost; that God’s mercy and kindness will shine through me; that I will eliminate my pride and be happy.
Please take a few minutes to pray over each of these prayer requests. Our inside members truly appreciate your prayers, love, and support. God Bless……